Winter solstice best time of year to reset and initiate change

The winter solstice is a cardinal point of initiation. But what do you begin in the cold dark hours of the shortest day of the year? The initiating phase in any cycle is the inception of a new idea. And so, this is the annual time to initiate the seeds of change.

This longest night in the Northern Hemisphere – December 21 – is the natural New Year. It links us not to traditions and celebrations of various cultures and families, but to the universal collective experience of the sky. Consider it the cosmic reset button of new intentions, taking our experience of the last year of our life, and focusing it into intentions for the cycle ahead.

Winter solstice the time to set intentions

Astrologically, Winter Solstice marks the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn. This sign is connected to achievements and accomplishment. Its symbol is the sea goat, reminding us we need to anchor in the depths of our soul to successfully climb the heights of our desires.

Similar to the New Moon phase of the Lunar cycle, our Full Moon phase comes at Summer Solstice. This is when the Sun moves into Cancer, the sign of emotions, traditions and family. It marks the midpoint of our year and is a symbolic checkpoint to reflect on how well we have embodied our intentions.

As we continue the cycle and make our return to the next Winter Solstice, we will once again collect the pearls of our experience and incorporate them into our intentions.

Solstice in southern hemisphere

In the Southern Hemisphere, our friends are experiencing their longest day of the year. For them, the Capricorn point is akin to the Full Moon. The themes of Capricorn and Cancer are as intertwined and opposite as the hemispheric seasons caused by the tilt of our Earth’s axis. Cancerian themes of home, family, traditions and security provide important information as we cross the Capricorn threshold of manifestation, relentless effort, success and wisdom.

Who we are is the culmination of all the cycles we have lived through to this point. Everything begins with, and grows from, our earliest childhood experiences with our immediate family, however that was realized. Honoring, or at least contextualizing, our traditions and family relationships is a significant part in planting the seeds of a new cycle.

This year’s winter solstice

The chart for this year’s Winter Solstice, set for 3:48pm in Winnipeg, has Jupiter square the Capricorn Sun at 0°. Jupiter represents our urge to grow, learn and expand and in Aries this is done with enthusiasm of a fresh start.

This relationship can denote friction or challenges, the desire to create something lasting with that Capricorn Sun squares off with Jupiter in Aries’ boundless impulsivity. It can also represent the necessary drive to satisfy both of these themes using the common ground of Cardinal energy: initiation, energy and powerful movement forward.

There is a caution to keep your head with Mars opposite the Moon, but with Mercury and Venus both in serious and grounded Capricorn this should be achievable. Let’s use the optimism and faith of the Sagittarius Moon to propel us forward and get to the truth of the matter, so our Capricorn goat can begin his pilgrimage to the summit on solid ground.

Shannon Rae is an astrologer, teacher, and the mother of two kids, two cats, one dog, and a 20-year-old bird. She started her career in the motion picture industry before realizing her passion and gift for guiding others. Find her at Manitoba School of Astrology