Juicing: Pushing the reset button

What we put in our bodies – the fuel that keeps us going – greatly affects how we function and feel. Poor eating habits are cumulative, and over time can make you feel sluggish, zap your motivation, and drag you down. Juicing, or juice cleansing, is increasing in popularity, because of the benefits it can generate.

For starters, juicing gives the digestion system a much-needed rest. It takes up to 18 hours digest an entire meal, which means your system rarely – if ever – gets a break. If you free your body from the burden of solid foods for a period of time, and just drink juices, your stomach extracts nutrients directly into the body without first having to do all that upfront breaking-down work. Think of it as nutrient-loading.

Detoxifying bodies

Juicing also gives our main detoxifying organs – the liver and kidney – a rest. They work nonstop to remove toxins that accumulate in our bodies through foods, beverages, and medications. We’re also toxified from our lifestyle, environments, even the air we breathe. Taking food out of the equation for a time reduces the detoxifying workload and recharges the system so it can work more efficiently.

Enhanced functioning

There are noticeable benefits, too, like improved mental clarity and overall functioning. This in part can be attributed to simple rehydration, since drinking enough fluids daily makes the body function more efficiently. At the same time, flood the body with a surge of super nutrition from produce, and you’ll not only get an infusion of vitamins and minerals but also phytonutrients, which allow for optimal cellular function and cell-to-cell communication. Phytonutrients also boost the immune system, and the body’s ability to heal itself.

Increased energy

Just as eating fatty or processed foods can sap your energy, consuming nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables does the opposite. When your body has an abundance of nutrients, you can’t help but feel energized. Juicing is an ideal way to shake afternoon lows, enhance your mood, and even improve your sleep.

Healthier way of thinking

Overall, juicing is an opportunity to push the reset button, and kick-start your way to a healthier way of thinking. And doing it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive either. All you need is a juicer or blender, some online research, and initiative to create your own plan. For an even easier approach, there are restaurants here in Winnipeg that will do all the planning and grinding for you.

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